Everything You Need to Know About Granite

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Granite has become ubiquitous in the home decorating market. It has outshone many other natural and man-made surfaces in several areas. Homeowners value granite highly because it is such an easy surface to maintain. It also adds value and beauty to the home, and it resonates well with buyers looking to purchase a house or apartment. Although so many people use granite, few people know what granite really is. The following article contains a guide to everything you need to know about granite from the quarry to the kitchen.

Granite is a natural stone that people have used for building and monument purposes for thousands of years. This material is known as an igneous rock, which means that it was formed from by the cooling of lava or magma. Because of its volcanic and natural properties, granite is almost as strong as a diamond. It is one of the hardest stones available, and it must be quarried in whole blocks, and it is often blasted straight out of mines. After it has been quarried, it will be cut into thinner pieces that are usually not much longer than 10 feet long, known as a slab.

Granite is the common term of this stone, but the stone is actually not made out of the mineral called granite. Instead, it is made up of several different natural minerals, and quartz, feldspar, and mica are three of the most common minerals found in this type of rock. The mineral variations will depend on the geographic location of the stone, and they also help determine the color of the stone.

Granite comes in a variety of styles and colors. Its aesthetic properties mainly depend on where it was mined and the minerals that are in it. The colors include many basic colors like black, brown and white, but also in rare colors, such as majestic blues.

Black granite is one of the most common types of granite used in homes. You can find black granite in a pure black shade, or you can find granite that may include flecks of white and gray. These flecks will vary by stone because the color and pigmentation of the stone is done naturally.

Brown granite is a natural looking stone, but it is not entirely brown. In fact, it may include many different flecks of black, white and gray. This type of granite is also very popular in homes, and many people enjoy it because its aesthetic is earthy and natural. It is also a neutral color and fits in well with the decor of many kitchens.

White granite is a hard color to find, and certainly more uncommon than other shades. However, this makes the countertops stand out. White granite is very beautiful, and you can find true whites on the market if you have time to focus on a search. You can also choose white granite that includes flecks of black and gray. White granite and white granite tiles provide a striking look when used in the home, and it is a great alternative to the white color of marble because it does not scratch or stain easily like marble does.

Granite is very strong, and it is one of the hardiest materials you can put in your home. However, granite is a natural surface, and it is not unbreakable. Granite contains pits and fissures, but these do not detract from its strength. In fact, these imperfections make granite even more natural and beautiful.

Granite can be cracked or chipped if it is hit with a hard, dense object. Because granite is so strong, it has very little flexibility. This means that it is not able to absorb direct hits the way other surfaces can. However, granite remains very resistant to scratches and heat. You really have to treat your granite surface recklessly before you begin to see any negative results, but this, of course, is not recommended.

Granite is easy to maintain. It does not require specialist equipment or specific products to keep the surface clean. In fact, all you need to do is wash it with a soft towel and some dish soap.

If you want to maintain the beauty of your granite surfaces, you need to clean them and treat them with care. While it is true that you can place hot pans directly on the surface, you should continue to protect your investment by using hot pads. You should also continue to use cutting boards when you are preparing food. This tip is more for the sake of your knives. If you prepare food directly on a granite surface, you will find that your knives grow dull very quickly.

Granite is a straight forward and easy to use surface that is the perfect fit in almost any home. Installing granite in the home is a great way to add value and classic beauty to any area of the home. The fact that you can have a beautiful surface that is easy to maintain is icing on the cake.